Return Policy for Rug Nation USA

Your satisfaction is our #1 priority. We want you to shop with confidence. That’s why we proudly offer absolute satisfaction guarantees that ensure, you’ll receive your refund on time and as described.

Right to cancel the order

You have the right to cancel your order within 10 days. The cancellation period will expire after 10 days from the day of delivery. To exercise the right to cancel you must inform us of your decision to cancel the order by a clear statement (by email).

Our 10-day Return Policy

  • If you’ve changed your mind about a product, you can return it within 10 days. To be eligible for a return, item must be in the same condition you received it, unused and in its original packaging. You will also need your receipt or proof of purchase.
  • To initiate a return, you can contact us at
  • If your return is accepted, we’ll send you a return shipping label and instructions on how and where to send your package.
  • We will cover the return shipping cost

If the product is faulty/damaged?

  • Please review your order upon receiving and if the item is defective, damaged or you have received the wrong item, please contact us immediately so that we can evaluate and resolve the issue. To return those items, contact us on

If wrong product is shipped to customer?

  • If you receive a product which is not the one you have ordered. We will send you a prepaid shipping label to sent that product back to us. In this case return shipping charges would be covered by us.


  • The easiest way to ensure you get what you want is to return the item as per guidelines, and once the return is accepted, purchase a new item separately.

For all return related queries: Contact at